2019 Theme

The topic of the festival’s 2019 edition is Grand’Italia (?).
Italy still holding a record in the design field: from the personalities that made its history, to the schools of excellence and historic companies.

While abroad design is no longer just a product but more and more an intangible project, thought and process, in Italy design is struggling to renew its self-generation ability and that of exchange between visionary designers and illuminated entrepreneurs, as well as to develop a design culture shared at national level, with subsequent difficulties standing out as nation-system in some of today’s key sectors such as A.I., Sustainability, Service Design and Design for All

Is our country a "Grand’Italia” then?
Could it be so again?
When and at what price?

Today more than ever it is essential to standardise and do networking, trying not to isolate the country in anti-economic, poorly productive and – let’s face it – extremely boring dynamics. Let’s have some fun at least.


Design Your Creativity

Curated by Mauro Martino

Human creativity has the ability to do conceptual leaps, creating something surprising out of collective knowledge. Through case studies and examples, the workshop/seminar explores how artificial intelligence helps us create new design and graphic products and films.

Design Your Community

Curated by Itinerari Paralleli

Design Your Community was created by Itinerari Paralleli and was born in 2018 for the Brera Design Days, with the purpose of investigating relational design and design for social innovation starting from a research on today’s meaning of “community". The 2019 topic "Plural Present" turns into a real artistic and cultural programme. Four days of Lectures, Open Studios, Workshops, Community Drinks in a brand-new location. Nesta Italia, main partner and travel companion for this new edition together with Collaboriamo and Housing Lab.

Service Design Stories

Curated by Poli.design

Rethink! Is the first Italian festival dedicated to service design bringing together designers, companies and institutions to promote the growth of a critical consciousness on the issue of services innovation. We will deal with the topics of natural capital and the planning of strategies and services for eco-sustainable cities sharing case studies, visions and methods with internationally-known guests.

Conding for kids

Playing to planning one learns how to use logic, to solve problems and to develop “computational thinking”, a logical-creative process allowing to break up a complex problem into different parts, to tackle it one piece at a time, so as to solve the general problem. A workshop open for kids aged 7 to 12 will be an opportunity to approach coding and programming while playing.

Design trends

Meetings, talks, interviews with some of the main representatives of Italian and foreign design. Designers, editors, critics, brands and researchers will follow one another in the showrooms of the district to tell us about today’s design world, future trends and the ambitions of Milan.

Brera Design Books

Two different guests every night will discuss about a design book, conceived and written not only for insiders but capable of making us reflect on the various aspects of a project.
–4th,8th,9th and 10th October, from 18.30 to 20.00,
LaFeltrinelli, viale Pasubio 7

Meeple People

The event’s main aim is to spread the culture of analog gaming: board games, role plays, card games, making people, and not only games, become leading characters. Meeple People is a flexible event format that can be used in different ways by the public, made up of 5 sub-formats: Talk, free game, professional tournaments, new prototyping competition and talk with the authors and publishers.
– 6th October, from 18.00 to 21.00,
LaFeltrinelli/Babitonga, viale Pasubio 7.

Grand'Italia Labs

7 days of workshops to deal with the topic of design in its various forms, both online and offline. Limited-enrolment practical workshops of a few hours, for a public of maximum 20 people, inside the Brera Design Apartment. The following topics will be touched: social media, sales, web design, user experience, interaction design and storytelling.

Radio Days

Two hours of talks every morning will enliven Radio Raheem’s show schedule during the Brera Design Days; a parallel show whose content will be shareable via web radio from home or from your office. A set of talks and in-depth interviews on the various topics touched in the live show, that will be available to listen again via podcast.

Casa Corriere

Once again, on the occasion of the Brera Design Days Casa Corriere opens its premises to the city. Corriere della Sera, Living and Abitare propose a set of meetings with the absolute leaders of design, culture and research and a high-visibility exhibition in the heart of Brera. From 4th to 9th October several events to get to know and discuss in depth the big issues concerning the world of design and marking its current transformations.
– Corriere della Sera - Sala Buzzati, Via Balzan 3

Tovaglietta Academy

A typically Milanese dinner that will end with a drawing or painting lecture with some of the best university drawing and painting masters in Milan, the teachers of Super – Scuola Superiore d’Arte Applicata of Castello Sforzesco. Every night visitors will learn a different technique with a different teacher: charcoal, pastel, water colour and paint and the drawings will be made on the place mats where visitors just had their dinner
– From 7th to 10th October, from 20.00 to 22.00,
Pizzeria Grand’Italia, Via Palermo 5

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