
Matteo Stefanelli

Professore / Saggista

Matteo Stefanelli lives in Milan, where he was born. He graduated with a thesis on the intertextuality of Martin Mystère and teaches audiovisual languages at the Faculty of Political Science of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, Histoire de la bande dessinée italienne and Théories de la bande dessinée at the Ecole Européenne Supérieure de l’image of Angoulême.

Specialized in the study and dissemination of comics, of which he is considered one of the leading experts in Italy, he has collaborated with the Triennale di Milano, Napoli Comicon and Lucca Comics & Games, an event of which he moderated the section of meetings Comics Talks, and has written on Fumo di china, Blue, Link. Ideas for television, Mondo Naif, Rolling Stone, Lo spazio bianco and Il Post; he has been vice-president of the national committee “A century of Italian comics”.[4] Since 2007 he has been associate editor of the magazine SIGNs: Studies in Graphic Narratives.

Self-defined as “late digital”, Stefanelli meditates two years before opening, in 2009, the blog Fumettologicamente, after having discussed with colleagues and friends Fausto Colombo, Antonio Dini and Giovanni Boccia Artieri.

At the beginning of the tenties he became a partner of the Shockdom publishing house, with whose owner, Lucio Staiano, founded in 2013 the comics site, of which he is currently director. Fumettologica was born as a continuation of Fumettologicamente and the blog Conversazioni sul fumetto by Andrea Queirolo (who became editor-in-chief of the site), expanding the field of action to animation and the different propagations of comics (cinema, television, literature, music, art, architecture).

Photos by Davide Cassaro