
exhibition Design your communityAIUrban policies

"That's what I know," more than a slogan, it's an attitude

from 7 to 10 October
ore 10:00 - 18:00

Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine
Piazza del Carmine

To build a Community, the starting point can only be the words: those that define, tell, identify a group of people, groups, institutions … Words that everyone uses from their own experiences.
What characterizes a community today? What contributes to creating and consolidating it? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this entity that is so natural and at the same time so abstract?

A permanent garrison curated by DIRITTI A PRESCINDERE – DAP will collect inside and outside the Brera Design Days, with questionnaires, video interviews and life stories, the elements necessary to co-construct a common language from which to work with and for the community(ies).

DIRITTI A PRESCINDERE – DAP is an ODA born in 2019 in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The aims that DAP intends to pursue originate from a macro objective: the promotion of knowledge and awareness of human rights in the daily work of the community. In this framework, DAP comes into contact with the world of schools and universities, with professional bodies, with the realities of the territory, with local authorities, in a word with the communities in order to promote a new identity, conscious, welcoming and inclusive, a community design for all.

This talk is part of the program of Design Your Community.

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