Mauro Martino is an Artist | Designer | Researcher focusing on the representation of networks of human interactions.
Mauro was formerly an Assistant Research Professor at Northeastern University working with Albert-Laszlo Barabasi at Center for Complex Network Research and with David Lazer and Fellows at The Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) at Harvard University.
Previously, he was a research affiliate with the SENSEable City Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, working on data visualization within the lab’s many projects and his related research project, Urban Interaction Design while earning a PhD in Design and Technologies at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. His focus was to innovate the ways we visualize and explore of massive amount of human mobility and telecommunications data, in partnerships with Airsage – AT&T – BT – Orange – Sprint – TDC – Telecom Italia and in different nations Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Italy, USA.
His projects have been shown at international festivals including Ars Electronica, TEDx Cambridge THRIVE, and Art Galleries including The Serpentine Gallery (London), GAFTA (San Francisco). His work has been featured on the cover of Nature and PNAS, as well as Nature Comunication, Nature Physics, Popular Science, The Economist, The Financial Times, WIRED Magazine, The Guardian, BBC News, MIT News, and Harvard News.